Company Structure

Company Structure

Malita Investments Plc

Registration No. C 53047
Registration Date 3 June, 2011
Registered Office Clock Tower, Level 1, Tigne’ Point
Locality Sliema
Country Malta


Shareholders Type of Shares No. of Shares % Shareholding
Government of Malta Ordinary 170,600,536 81.94%
General Public Ordinary 37,606,057 18.06%


3 June 2011 Malita Investments p.l.c. was registered with an authorised share capital of €150,000,000 divided into 113,000,000 Ordinary A Shares and 37,000,000 Ordinary B Shares, each having a nominal value €1. The issued share capital of the company on registration was €15,000,000 divided into 15,000,000 Ordinary A Shares each having a nominal value of €1. Such Ordinary A Shares were subscribed to by the Government of Malta in the amount of 14,999,999 Ordinary A Shares and by Malta Investment Management Company Limited in the amount of 1 Ordinary A Share.
29 May 2012 The shareholders resolved to re-denominate the nominal value of the Ordinary A Shares and the Ordinary B Shares from €1 to €0.50 per share and to reduce the authorised share capital of the Company to €100,000,000 divided into 150,000,000 Ordinary A Shares and 50,000,000 Ordinary B Shares, each having a nominal value of €0.50 per share.
30 May 2012 A further 20,000,000 Ordinary A Shares having a nominal value of €0.50 per share were issued to the Government of Malta against an equity injection of €10,000,000.
14 June 2012 A further 68,108,064 fully paid up Ordinary A Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share were issued in favour of Government of Malta in consideration of the acquisition by the Company of the MIA Site and the VCP Site from Government.
23 July 2012 In order to fund its obligations, the Company opened subscriptions for an Initial Public Offering consisting of 20,000,000 Ordinary B shares at a nominal value of €0.50 per share with a further optional over allotment of 10,000,000 Ordinary B shares. The share issue was fully subscribed.
7 August 2012 The Company's Ordinary B Shares were admitted to the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange.
14 December 2023 The shareholders of the Company resolved to:

Give effect to a rights issue and subsequent issuance and allotment of new ordinary shares in the issued share capital of the Company in terms of Article 3.1.2 of the Articles of Association of the Company.

Re-designate the Company’s authorised share capital from €100,000,000 divided into 150,000,000 Ordinary A Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share and 50,000,000 Ordinary B Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share to 200,000,000 Ordinary Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share and, immediately following such re-designation, to increase the Company’s authorised share capital to €125,000,000 divided into 250,000,000 Ordinary Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share.

Re-designate the Company’s issued share capital from €74,054,032 divided into 118,108,064 Ordinary A Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share and 30,000,000 Ordinary B Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share to 148,108,064 Ordinary Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 each.
12 April 2024 The rights issue and the excess shares offer has been completed and the 60,098,529 new Ordinary Shares were listed on the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange. Following the issuance and listing of the New Ordinary Shares on the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange, the total issued share capital of the Company amounts to €104,103,296 divided into 208,206,593 Shares of a nominal value of €0.50 per share.